Two Stories Up! on Medium

During 2016 and 2017 The Anomalous Duo (Tammy Remington & AleXander Hirka) worked on a collaborative project called Two Stories Up!

Comprised of a very short story written by each, often with accompanying art, it was mailed bimonthly, via the postal system, to a select group of friends and fans.

Promotional video for the project HERE.

All these stories (and art) are now available 
on Medium dot com

click on image to enlarge

> click on title to read story <

April 2016 - Transition Bound
Tammy - "Point Tipped"

May 2016 - A Dog

July 2016 - Gravity
AleXander  - "Falling Up"

September 2016 – Greed
Tammy - "The Universal Dog"
AleXander "Packing Greed"

December 2016 - Gatsby (First & Last Lines)
AleXander - "Grand Awe"
Tammy - "Horizon" 

Promotional Gatsby video

February 2017 - Topsy Turvy
Tammy - "Belly Up"
Promotional Topsy Turvy video 

April 2017 - Winter Heart

July 2017 – Gender
Tammy - "His Father's Son"
AleXander - "Uniforms R Viral"


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And do "clap" if you like a story on Medium.


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